The Team

We are 3 developers with approximately 7 years of experience each. We are all located in the city of Tandil, Argentina, we've known each other for more than 13 years and, more importantly, we are friends. This grants us a unique team dynamic.
On top of that, each of us has a network of contacts which allows us to add more people to the team depending on the requirements.

Francisco Millone

Dev/Architect always focused on a clean practical design with maintainability in mind. Experience in java with spring framework, dropwizard, maven, gradle, junit, mockito, spock and more.
Also, javascript, typescript with react, angular, express, node, nestjs and more.
Also, docker, kubernetes, aws, git, go, python and whatever new shiny thing I can put my hands on (last month was dart and flutter)

Martin Lopez

Dev focused in Backend but proficient in Frontend if required, mainly focused on readability and maintainability of the code. Experience in Java with Spring Framework and Dropwizard, using Maven, Gradle, JUnit, Mockito and more.
Experience in Javascript, Typescript with NodeJS, React, Angular, NestJS. Also, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GIT, Golang, Python. Knowledge in databases like MySQL, Cassandra, MongoDB. I’m always looking for new Technologies and Frameworks to learn.

Andres Vaninetti

SDET/Dev mostly focused on Software Test Development. Able to set up automation projects from scratch for different platforms(create or use built-in frameworks) and to automate test cases for the BE or the UI, doing unit, component, functional, integration or E2E automated scripts.
I also can contribute with the development of applications since I take this role in some projects. Experience writing Java, Python, Javascript. Experience using testing frameworks like Selenium, TestNG, JUnit, Appium, Cypress, Eggplant, Mocha, Sinon, Jenkins, and more.. Experience using development frameworks like NodeJS, Spring Boot, Vaadin, Express, NestJS, Angular, Docker, GIT, AWS, Kafka